Medicare part d long term care pharmacy requirements

"An Easy Guide to Identifying, Documenting, and Caring for Medical-At-Home Patients," with Paul Shelton and Bri Morris, sponsored by Compliant Pharmacy Alliance, is now available on demand. This webinar is packed with tips to get you started serving long-term care at home patients. Click here to access the recording, slides, and components needed in an attestation form under "Resources" and "Media." Happy learning!

The Alliance for LTC Pharmacy @ Home Coalition

NCPA’s LTC Division continues to advocate for LTC-at-home services. Most recently, we’ve worked with American Society of Consultant Pharmacists and Senior Care Pharmacy Coalition to form the Alliance for LTC Pharmacy @ Home Coalition.

Policy Documents


What is LTC at home?

LTC-at-home services are services for patients in their homes who might otherwise be in a nursing facility without this care. The LTC-at-home model represents a shifting population of patients preferring to receive the same care they would receive in a long-term care facility in their homes, which is a lower cost environment.

Who is an LTC-at-home patient?

An LTC-at-home patient remains “home-bound” and medical care is focused on “curing” the patient in his or her home. This is a population of community-dwelling adults and children having functional and/or medical impairments that prevent them from leaving their homes independently.

A health care professional may determine a patient’s level of acuity and deem the patient fit to receive LTC care at home even though he/she qualifies to be in a nursing home. Talk with your LTC GPO about best practices for determining and documenting a patient’s eligibility.

What services are provided?

In order to participate in Medicare Part D sponsor LTC pharmacy networks, Chapter 5 of the Prescription Drug Benefit Manual requires that the pharmacy have the capacity to provide the following minimum performance and service criteria:

LTC pharmacies may additionally provide the below services to a patient in their home: