TLC Upload Portal (TLC Up)

TLC’s Upload Portal (TLC UP) is a quick, easy, and convenient way to access your license information and submit your required items to the TLC. It is unique to your license and is available whenever you want, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.


on your computer, phone, or tablet

How-To Guide for TLC Up

To log in, you will need the following:

  1. Your TLC License Number or Application Number
  2. Your Mailing Zip Code
  3. Last 5 digits of your SSN or EIN
  4. Your email address

First time users, complete these steps before logging in:

  1. Enter your TLC Application Number or TLC License Number (this is not the license plate number), mailing zip code, and last five (5) digits of your EIN or SSN, then click “Sign In;”
  2. You will be prompted to verify your email address by either confirming or typing your email address, then click “Submit;”
  3. The TLC will send you an email to verify your email address, the subject line will be, “TLC UP Email Address Verification;”
  4. Open the email and click the blue underlined hyperlink to verify your email address;
  5. Return to the TLC Up log in page and you will be able to log in.

For help with New Driver and New Vehicle Application submissions

For help with submitting required Base trip records

For all other inquiries